These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

CONFIRM RECEIPT (Batch Number: sw/27/0377 ) Your email account

From: Anthony Campbell -

RC 2343
60 Merriman Road,
London SE3 8RZ

Ref. Number: BTL/462OZI/06
Batch Number: sw/27/0377
Ticket Number: 465 75600545-167
Serial Number: 5388/02
Winning Numbers: 7-14-18-31-45


The board of directors and entire members of staff of the The British Lottery international wish to inform you of the results of the (Email Addresses Ballot) online Sweepstakes international program held at the British Lottery Headquarters.

Your email account has been selected at random as a winner of five hundred thousand United Kingdom Pounds (500,000.00 GBP ) in cash credited to file BNLT/ 9023118308/03. This is from a total cash prize of (2,000.000.00 GBP) two Million United Kingdom Pounds shared amongst the first four (4) lucky winners in this category.

How ever, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR), and was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of multinational companies in Europe as part of their social and civic responsibilities to regions in which there exist their operational bases. This Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for British Lottery.This lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public.

Due to mix up of some data resulting from the random selection process, we request that you keep your winning information entirely confidential until your claims have been fully processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid multiple claims and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.

For the release of your winnings, kindly contact your claims supervisory officer at the The British Lottery international Head Quarters via his details provided hereunder ;

Mr.Timothy Cromwell
Payment and Release Order Dept.
Phone:+44-701 112 1755
+44-702 407 0891
+44 702 409 7008

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our booklet representative office in Europe as indicated. In view of this,your of five hundred thousand United Kingdom Pounds (500,000.00 GBP ) will be released to you by our affiliate bank in the United Kingdom.Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds to you as soon as you initiate contact .

Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence. Furthermore should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible. Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program.
In order to verify your winnings, we need your particulars for record purposes. Attached here is a copy of our verifications form, please fill accordingly so as to proceed with your winnings. Once again congratulations from all our staff.

1. FULL NAMES:..........................


3. DATE OF BIRTH:..........................

4. SEX:..........................

5. MARITAL STATUS:..........................

6.CONTACT ADDRESS:..........................

7.TELEPHONE NUMBER:..........................


9.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROFESSION/ SELF:..........................

10.WINNING E-MAIL ADDRESS:..........................

11.TICKET NUMBER:..........................

12. AMOUNT WON:..........................

Upon reciept of the duly requested data, your certificate will be processed and sent to you. This is to be your proof of winning from this office to the bank before the release of your winnings will be effected. Once again congratulations.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Anthony Campbell
British Lottery International (co-ordinator)
N.B: Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result in automatic disqualification.

Please do not reply to this mail. Contact the fiduciary agent stated above.

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