22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London
United Kingdom
22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London
United Kingdom
We hereby inform you that we have processed your payment and your cheque is ready for disbursement, along with your winnings certificate. In this regard you are to choose from the options below the one that best suites you on how you wish to receive your funds , also your funds deposited with us is not in liquid form but in Bank Cheque, this advice complies with the Anti-Fraud section 2,sub section (iv) of the procedural manual of the funds disbursement agreement existing between courier companies and the Bmw Union Government.
1. Have the entire amount wired directly into your account (i.e telegraphic transfer of funnds). This option however involves you opening a new account for the funds to going into a designated bank should in case you pick this option. It also will require certain fees up front.
2. Have our affiliate courier company send the cheque to you. In consonance with our policy in this regard, be advised that if you opt for the cheque to be couriered, The Lottery Board will however exempts itself from all related to this service. The cost of this service would be borne by you; this is a prerequisite for this option. You will be referred to our affiliate courier company so that you can make enquires concerning modalities, and charges. The reason for the courier option is to avoid double taxation, that is if you are to come over to sign for the release of your winnings personally, you would have to pay taxes on the winnings in Netherlands and then go and pay taxes on the same winnings in your country once the funds get there.
This is the main reason why we would advise that you take the courier option, you have not collected the winnings until you sign for it and the only way you can sign for it via courier is when you have taken delivery of the parcel containing the winnings cheque and certificate of winning.
In accordance to your car, a shipping company will ship your car to you.
We expect that you will notify us of your choice upon receipt of this message so that appropriate arrangement can be put in place.
Mr. Mack White
We expect that you will notify us of your choice upon receipt of this message so that appropriate arrangement can be put in place.
Mr. Mack White
+44 701112 9845