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Announcement -

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Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Monday, December 04, 2006


From: Winning Notification -

BATCH: 12/951/IPD/ES

We are pleased to inform
you of the result of the of the VIRGILIO Online draws, held on the 1st
December, 2006 in Lagos, Nigeria. Your e-
mail address attached to
ticket number 241918906-076 with game Number 54568 drew lucky numbers
16,11,52,33,44,42 which consequently won.You have therefore been
approved for a lump sum pay out of $150,000.00 USD.(One Hundred and
Fifty Thousand).
All participants were selected
through a computer ballot system drawn
from over 10,000,000 company
and 1,863,070,677 individual email
addresses and names from Middel
East, Asia,Africa, Canada, Europe
and south
America, Oceania
and around the world.
To file for your claim, please contact our
fiduciary agent;
Green Peace Claims Agency
Dr. Mark Chris

You are required to forward the following
details to help facilitate
the processing of your claims and
certificate which will facilitate
release of your winnings.

Full names
2. Residential address
3. Phone number
4. Fax number
6. Sex
7. Age
8. Nationality

You are advised to forward the
above information as soon as possible
to enable us attend to your

Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically
Sincerely yours,
Mrs.Akin Williams
Winning Co -ordinator