These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Monday, January 29, 2007


From: ruthbrook77 -


Million Euro)

We are happy to inform you that you have emerged a winner of One Million Euro(1,000,000.00) in the 1st category. NOTE: to file for your claim, please contact the fiduciary agent.
Remember to quote these numbers in your correspondence with your claims agent. Mr. Joachim Fischer, PROMOTION DATE: 15th January 2007.Remember all winning must be claimed not later than 15th Febuary 2007 after this date, all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Find your winning information REFERENCE NUMBER:SHLNL432/885/RRS, BATCH NUM: GKN8901137-ADB7, TICKET NUMBER: 7775114-6410, SERIAL NUMBER: 223155-06. Below is your agent contact informations.
Mr. Joachim Fischer,
Globe Services B.V
Telephone: 0031-616-949-413
Fax number:0031-847-195-169
Email Address:
Congratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Sincerely Yours,
Mrs Ruth Brook.
Lottery Co-ordinator
Kresoft Lottery Intl

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