The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL
Ref: UK/9420X2/688
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
We happily announce to you the draw of the UK National Lottery Online
Programme held 5th March, 2007.You have
therefore been approved to claim a total sum of 250.000, 00. GBP
(two hundred and fifty thousand pound sterling), in
cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03.
For further enquiries you are to contact your assigned fudiciary agent
by email immediately with the details below: to commence your first
claims mode.
1. [NAMES IN FULL]........................................
2. [ADDRESS]:...................................................
3. [SEX]:.............................................................
4. [AGE]:.............................................................
5. [COUNTRY]:...............................................
6. [OCCUPATION]:......................................
7. [PHONE NUMBER]:...............................
8. [FAX NUMBER]:...................................
9. [LUCKY NUMBERS]:...............................
10.[REF NUMBER]:...................................
Name of Agent:Mr Eric Cole
City/Country: London, United Kingdom.
Congratulations On behalf of all member of the Lottery foundation.
Yours Truly,
Brian Hunt.
Online Co-ordinator