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Friday, March 30, 2007


From: Mrs. Ruth Van Kemp -

Elgordo Sweepstake Bonanza
5269 BH 721 princess plan
Enhoven, the Netherlands
(Lotto affiliated with Subscriber Canadian Game Board (

We are pleased to inform you of the announcement of your elgordo lotto bonanza held today 30th of
March, 2007. That you have be selected as one of the Three winners of our once in five years award
promotion of the Elgordo Sweepstake Bonanza held today as part of our WORLDWIDE SWEEPSTAKE
BONANZA. You have be approved for a pay out of 700, 000.00 euro (Seven Hundred Thousand Euro)
in cash credited to file REF NO.SKL/11-TPT/77314643, Batch Number: DT/A554-33, Ticket Number:
00903228100, with serial number 77658 drew the lucky numbers 22-55-10-50-77. We in the elgordo
Lotto is by this program, launching our model computer Balloting lottery draws, developed and designed
to satisfy the craving of the ever-growing number of participants in our various promotion Programs tfrom
Middle East, Asia, Africa, Canada, Europe, USA and South America i

With funds accrued exclusively from previous various draws, Payouts to all winners guaranteed and
transferred in record time and in the stipulated mode. You are in category C .After random selection of
23,000 participants from an Initial database of 300,000 emails and balloting system in

As part of our International Award Promotions Program, which conducted in view of launching ourselves
into the Sweepstakes Industry Worldwide and zoning all participants by their Respective continents from
across the globe, we produced an extensive list from which you emerged as one of the winners of the
Grand Draw Award.

You are to contact our Officer in the Netherlands by Email or telephone within a week of receiving this
message. Please find full contact details below:

Simon Jones
Abn Finance Group
Hummer Nieuwlaanveld
1013 1218 HG, Almere
The Netherlands
TEL: +31-61-432-2018
Fax: +31 84 737 2048
E-mail Address:

You can also reach us at this numbers, endeavor to drop your voice mail, we shall get back to you in
TeL no: +1-347-218-8094
Fax no: +1-502 371-8873

Send your full Name, Address and Country of Residence, telephone and fax number when replying this
letter. After a week all funds will be return as unclaimed.

In order to avoid unnecessary delays and Complications, please remember to Quote your
Reference numbers in every one of your correspondences with your officer.

Congratulations again from all our staff for being part of our award Promotions program.

Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Van Kemp