These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam

From: National Lottery Office -


C C Promotions
U.K Lotto House
157-161 Millbank, London, SW1P 4RR
Great Britain (U.K)


Dear Sir/Madam,





We are obliged to inform you that you a winner in the Coca Cola Company and the Chelsea Football Club Lottery Promotion that was held in respect on it's 100 Years Anniversary, held on the 12th of March 2007. Due to mix up of email addresses, the results were finally released on 15th March 2007. Winners were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from ''300,000,000'' E-mail addresses, from eight different Zones; North America , Latin America , Caribbean , Western Europe , Eastern Europe , Middle East , Asia, South Asia and Australia/South Pacific.


Your E-mail address generated British Telecom Jackpot Number 0220-T11444999-05P50 with serial number BT/400550/SH, Drew the lucky numbers 4-18-24-30-31-35-78-10, which consequently won the lottery in the 2nd category.


You have therefore been approved for a the total winning sum payout of U.S$2,000.000.00 (Two Million United States of American Dollars) to file reference number: BTGL/1500000/05p50/15305, from a total cash price of U.S$10.000,000.00 (Ten Million United States of American Dollars) shared among Five (5) International Winners in this grand category. Your claim agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your winning prize to you as soon as you contact them.


Your Claim Agent is
World Lotto Agency Services 0109
Sam Carolina St . West DR, London, SW1P 4RR
Contact Person: Mr. David Bradshaw Collymore
Tel: +44701-115-0862

Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thanks for being part of our promotions program.


Mrs. Claudia Mourinho
Promotion Department
For The C C Promotions
U.K Lotto House
157-161 Millbank, London, SW1P 4RR



Note* To avoid the issue of lost of funds, stolen funds and people claiming peoples prize/fund, your lottery prize/fund is not deductible, divisible or withdrawable until it gets to you