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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

it must be well with you

From: ekehinde james -

Devine brotherhood.
Solution and power house.
X7 Temple-nation wide.
Tel. 234 8086287462

You have to live a life where you forget about all the evil's,
pain's, injuries, hatred, and betrayals of yesterday, but live on the
joy, love, peace, and happiness of today because you simply have the rigth to live a happy life.

Remmember, every problem have it's expiring date.Today shall marked the begining to the end of your problem's, if only you will allowed us in.

All these your Pains, Betrayals, Injuries of yesterday, and every Sorrow afflicting your possesion, Stagnancy and limitation in your life, Suden destruction and failiure in your buissness, and The evil sacrifices organised for you sake.shall all seized to exist in your life if only you will allow us to help you.

Do you want to get rich and never to be poor again?
Do you want a Husband?
Do you want to be favour always?
Do you want a good job?
Do you want to be successful in all your exam's
Are you seeking for revenge?
Do you seek protection for yourself and family?
Do you seek a child of your own?
Do you want to win pool, lottery, and case's?
Do you want to known about your fucture or the cause of your present situation?
Do you want to be loved and appreciate by every eye's that see you?
Do you want to be delivered of that evil spell of poverty placed on you?
Do you want a total freedom from all that evil manipulation of your enemie's?
Do you seek for power, commanding tone, and complete authority over your subject's?
Are you looking for a love portion?
Do you want to look atractive always?

Then pick up the courage to write us today and solution will be provided to you within 21 days

We also cure Asmah, Stroke, Wooping cough, Weak or dead male organ, infertility in women, Diabity and Madness through our selected natural herbs.

Remmember, the power of life and death is in your tongue.Let us contend with those who contend you, Let us put a stop to all your problem's and invade your life with unlimited prosperity, complete and fufilled life.
For God says; ''The thing I have in mind for you are those thing which an eye has not seen nor has ear ever hard about''.

Thanks and God bless you

Dr, Devine master Philip

pls very important = send in your prayer's and other request to

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