WORLD BANK GROUP LONDONTEL +447024083938 FAX +448704714108Attention Sir/Ma This is to bring to your immediate notice and urgent attention that the World Bank Auditors understand your plight, the huge amount of money you have spent and all the disappointment you have suffered in the past to get your contract fund paid to you. We are aware that so many corrupt officials have contacted you from one office or the other. Due to what we described as selective payment and incessant demand of excessive fee by some unscrupulous and corrupt erstwhile officials in charge of foreign contract payment in African Country. However, I use this medium to bring to your notice that the the WOrld Bank Group has introduced a new system of payment which is "DIGITALIZED" Payment System duly established in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund and the U.S.A Government . With respect to sub-section 3 paragraph 5 6 respectively of the payment panel constitution. After deliberation in a
re-union by International bodies and other foreign contract payment scheme here in London last week, the Word Bank in Conjunction with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) inaugurated the which will enable all contractors confirm their contract fund in their account via telephone from their home or position. All you are required to do, is to access your contract fund on your direct telephone line and confirm your contract payment been credited onward to your receiving bank as already been programmed by the Computer Programming Department at the World Bank. In this regards, the World Bank has taken over all the money Transaction originated from any part of African and Europe countries as Contract payment, Fund inheritance or Lottery Winning due to Unauthorized/incapability of financial Institutions/security companies In releasing such huge sum of money due to Fraud, terrorist and money Laundry activities going on world wide. Hence, you are further instructed to use the
information below for the process stated. Access/Account Number below is your contract payment digitalized releasing code number via: 234-1-3423100 A/C No: 999080473. You are therefore, advised to access these numbers for onward collection of your payment. As soon as this is done, you are to contact the our option payment center in Alabama U.S.A through the payment assessment officer, DR. Nelson Kennedy on , E-mail: Thanks for your co-operationYours Faithfully,Mr.David BrentWorld Bank Group.
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