These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the

From: CAMELOT GROUP 2007 -

The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the
results of the E-mail address ballot lottery international program by Great
Britain held on 24th of May, 2007. Your email account have been
picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-one
thousand, nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds
(£891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash credited to file REF NO. REF:
UKL/74-A0802742006. This is from total prize money of GBP £4,459,670.00 shared
among the FIVE (5) international winners in this category.
To begin your claims,please contact your claims agent;
Mr Fred Martins