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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


From: Veronica Amadi -


I know that you might be surprised on this mail, but I am telling you the
truth. I know that it is against my official duty to release confidential
information like this to an outsider. There is nothing I can do to help you
beside this.

What I want to tell you is about your fund with the Federal Government of
Nigeria, the out going government of President Olusegun Obasanjo has mapped
out $1.2 Billion to off-set Nigeria's foreign debt, which includes; over due
contract payment, next of kin inheritance, lotto beneficiaries and other
payments. My main concern about this payment is that the Government and her
agencies are not sincere on this payment, rather they have seen it as an
avenue to make extra money for themselves. Their plan is to secure approval
of these funds on creditors name and later divert it to another off shore
bank accounts for their personal benefits.

As I am writing this mail to you now, arrangements has been concluded by the
out going Central Bank Of Nigeria Governor Prof. Charles Soludo, to divert
your approve fund to another bank account. And they keep on deceiving and
frustrating you by demanding up-front payment from you, If I tell you that
they are using all these money to work against you, you might not believe
it. But it is reality.

There are ways I can assist you get your fund, it is risk but one have to
take it. What you have to do now is to get back to me as soon as you get
this mail with these details; Your private telephone number, your banking
details where you would like your fund to be transferred into, your fund
details and contact address. I need these details as soon as you get this
mail so that I can make the transfer without further delay, as the present
government will hand over to the new elected government on the 29th of May
2007, if you were unable to get your fund before then, it means that you
have to wait till next year.

Get back to me as soon as you get this mail with the above requested

Treat this ASAP.REPLY TO (

Dr.Mrs. Veronica Amadi

KTT Dept Central Bank of Nigeria(C.B.N