These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


From: sanchezterraes -

Desk of Approval/Game
Gaming Board Department

TICKET NO: ML/56894/180/70.
FILE REF NUMBERS: ZB/451/28798372/MK.


The Board of Directors, members of staff and the International Promotion Department of the EUROMILIONES INTL, wishes to congratulate you on your success as one of the SIX LUCKY STAR PRIZE WINNER of 514,292.28 euros (Five hundred and fourteen thousand, two hundred and ninety two euros, twenty eight cents only) of the EUROMILIONES lotto International Promotion (ELP) that was held on the 2nd of February 2007, in Spain. The late release of this result was due to difficulties encountered in sorting out mixed up numbers and email addresses.

The selection process was carried out through a random selection in our computerized email selection system from a database of over 950,000 individual and companies E-mail addresses drawn from all the continents of the world which your email, was among the first SIX (6) lucky winners. Your email address was attached to Lucky Number (14/23-27-30-36), Your Reference number: ZB/451/28798372/MK, ticket No: ML/56894/180/70 and Lotto code number: ESP21584MAD.

Most recently the foundation set up the NEW HOPE LOTTERY to give out prizes based on the computer balloting system (THEREFORE YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A TICKET TO ENTER FOR IT.YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WAS RANDOMLY SELECTED AS A WINNER). You the beneficiary of the winning email would be responsible for the VETT/APPROVAL DOCUMENT CHARGES (FEES) of your lucky WINNING EMAIL ADDRESSE CHANGED to your FULL NAMES, before your winning prize can be transferred to your designated account of your choice. To immediately claim your prize, contact the claim/paying agent on the telephone number & email below.

TEL: 0034-636-601-762.

N.B: Terms and conditions to claiming your prize:

1. Please quote your Reference number in all correspondence with the claim/paying agent above.

2. Indicate your full names and address, Country, Contact telephone numbers, mobile, fax number, occupation and your Lucky numbers and Reference number to your claim/paying agent above.

3. Your winning prize is not DEDUCTABLE until it has been fully processed, approved and transferred to your designated account of your choice by the claim/paying agent above.

The above claim/paying agent will assist you in the processing and remittance of your winning prize to you. Also note that you are to contact and process your winning prize not later than one week, after this date if you do not contact and process your winning prize, all funds will be returned to the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA as unclaimed

All informations have to be kept out of public until your winning prize has been processed and transferred to your designated account of your choice; this is to avoid double claim and unwarranted abuse of the programme by some participants.


Mrs. Angel Sanchez Canovas.
Online co-ordinator.

This e-mail transmission contains information that is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended only for the addressee(s) named above.

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