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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


From: ruth sambesi -

National Lottery B.V
251A-252B,1106ds, Netherland

Ref. NO: JIL/WIN/567/05/00/NLB
Batch. NO: NL/9008/478/962/00

National Lottery happily announce to the beneficiary
of this e-mail account the draw of the EUROPEAN
LOTTERY AWARD program held on the 8th of June,2007.
Your e-mail account attached to ticket number 09-2097
drew the winning numbers:07-09-76-34-00 with star
number (4-5) bonus ball which subsequently won you as
the e-mail beneficiary in the 3rd category. You have
therefore been approved to claim a total sum of EURO
900,000:00.(NINE HUNDRED Thousand Euros) in cash
credited to Ref. NO: JIL/WIN/567/05/00/NLB and Batch.
NL/9008/478/962/00. This program was created to
promote and encourage the use of Internet free
communications all over the world Please note that
your lucky winning number falls within our
international promotion booklet as indicated in the
play coupon. In view of this, your EURO 900,000:00.
(NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS) will be process for
claim by our register claim agent;
Meanwhile, our agent will immediately commence
the process to facilitate the release of your winning
prize as soon as your contact is receive by them. For
security reasons, you are advise to keep your winning
information very CONFIDENTIAL until your claim is
processed and your email winning prize remitted to
you. This is part of our precautionary measures to
avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this
program by those you might reveal your winning notice
to, please be warn.
To claim your email winning prize as the bona fide
beneficiary, please send email with your contact and
winning informations to our register claim agent

MR: Manfred Hans
E.mail: []
Tell: +31-643-683-096
FAX; 0031-847-462-843

Remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in
all correspondence with your claim agent.
Once again congratulations from National lottery.

Vanessa Badu (MRS)
Online coordinator for EUROPEANS LOTTERY AWARD

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