The Lottery Department
Toyota Car Promotions
Haandvaerkervej 8,1 UK-9000 Aalborg
CVR-nr. 25554493.
This is to inform you that have been selected for a Cash prize of £250,000.00 Pounds Sterling and a Brand New Toyota Car (TOYOTA CAMRY SE 2007) in our International program which was held in July, 2007 in London UK.
You can check our website, to have a view of your car from the link below;
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact your Claims
Officer through our accredited Prize Transfer agents as stated below:
Mr. Tom Grant
25 Atlantic Avenue Erlanger
HE5 8WD, London,
Tel: +44-701-113-9465
When contacting him, please provide him with your secret Pin Code
TY7448500 and your Reference Number 799BV90. You are also advised to provide
him with the under-listed information as soon as possible:
1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Nationality:
4. Age:
5. Sex:
6. Occupation:
7. Phone/Fax:
8. Present Country:
Mr Teddy Lee
Lottery Manager