Congratulations The Foundazion Di Vittorio has chosen you by the board
of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for
your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate
the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of
US$500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to 40 lucky
recipients, as charity donations/aid from the Vittorio
Foundation,ECOWAS,you are to fill the above form and send it back to the
for verification, NO: (N-222-6747,E-900-56)
1. Full Name:.....................................
2. Address:.......................................
3. Nationality:...................................
4. Age:.......... Date of Birth:.................
5. Occupation:.....................................
6. Phone:................Fax:.....................
7. State of Origin:...........Country:............
Executive Secretary: Mr John Slaugter