MR. BEN SEAL COLE.Director World Debt Reconciliation Committee.Tel:+44 70457 35084
We are pleased to inform you that We are World DebtReconciliation Committee newly set up by TheInternational Bank For Reconciliation And Development(WORLD BANK) And the International Monetary Fund(IMF)based on series of petitions we received fromInternational Bodies such as Cooperate Bodies and NonGovernmental Organization (NGO) on the inability ofsome Government of different countries in the World, Commercial banks and World Lottery Organization tosettle their clients Contract debt, Inheritance Fundand Winning prize fund.
After an extensive close door meeting between theBoard of Directors of WORLD BANK AND INTERNATIONALMONETARY FUND), It was resolved and agreed upon thatthis body-WORLD INTERNATIONAL DEBT ReconciliationCommittee will work extensively to ensurethat yourContract Payment, Your Inheritance and LotteryWinning prize fund will be paid without any hitch anddelay through the World Bank and IMF Insurance body.
1. You are strictly advised to inform us as your agentany of the above mentioned Debt you are being owed anywhere in the world. The contract Amount and Countrywhich the contract was executed.
2. The Bank name and location where your InheritanceFund are tied up and amount due to you.
3, Your Winning Prize lottery Company and the amountwon.
Note that on receipt of your complaints and list ofdebt due for payment, your Fund will be called backfrom its verious point where it has been tied up byWorld Bank and IMF and your payment will be arrangedand effected based on your choice of payment.
Urgently furnish this Office with your Name andcontact information to enable us open up communicationwith you regarding the remittances of yourpayment.You are advised reply to this email
Yours Faithfully,
MR. BEN SEAL COLE.Tel:+44 70457 35084
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