Ref: XYL /26510460037/06
Batch: 24/00319/IPD
We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today 2nd
September, 2007 of winners of LG Electronic Inc Promotion held
on 31st August 2007.
Ticket number:023-1111-790-459,
Serial number:5073-10
Lucky numbers:43-10-42-37-10-43,
REF: XYL/26510460037/06.
Amount: GBP1,000,000.00 (ONE MILLION POUNDS)
you are to advised to contact our claims release officer
with the information below.
Mr. Allen Kelvin
Telephone: + 44 701 112 8834
Fax: +44 870 490 2418
Congratulations again from all our staffs and thank you for
being part of our promotions program.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Barr