The Uk National Online Lottery
P O Box 1010 Dublin, 11 G
Lower Dorset Street
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/OY36
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
£1,000,000.00 pounds held on the 30th August, 2007 in London UK. The
selection process was carried out through random selection in Our
computerizTELEed email selection system(ess) from a database of over
250,000email Addresses drawn from which you were selected.Contact our
fiduciary agent for claims with:
Mr.James Willaim.
Tele: 0044 207 019 7231
Fill the below:
1. Name: 2. Address 3. Marital Status: 4. Occupation: 5. Age:6. Sex:7.
Nationality: 8. Country of Residence: 9. Telephone Number:
Yours faithfully,
Stella Roberts (Mrs