We wish to inform you of the our staatsloterij program held
yearly, which have emerge you a winner of the sum of (
$500.000.000.00) five hundred thousand united state dollar only by your
email address, DO Contact The Claim Department below for your Claim.
Mr. Kuiters A. Antonius (Advocaten) TEL:+31-623-0855-
70 Fax:+31-847-5383-11
Remember all winning must be claimed not later
than 30Th of OCTOBER 2007 Company Name: Staatsloterij Award nl, This
program is organize to promote our staatsloterij yearly, also we are
very skeptical due to unsolicited/Spam mails on the net this days,that
is why the claim process is being handle by our (advocate) name above
Forward to us the below info for reference:
Ref No. NW234F221, Ticket
Number: HW4321-534K,Serial Number: LU267-65-117 and Batch Number: WN331-
783-07 most be forwarded to us for ref ,Congratulations Once More
Again!!! : from all our staff,
Mrs. Jolanda de Boonstra