The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL
+44 70111 49284
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Dear Winner,
We are pleased to inform you of the final announcement today, 31st of
January, 2007 of winners of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE PROMO
PROGRAMME, held on the 22nd of January, 2007. It is yet to be unclaimed
and you are getting the FINAL NOTIFICATION as regards this.You have
therefore been approved to claim a total sum of (£750,000.00) Seven hundred and
Fifty Thousand Pounds.Congratulations, you have just won yourself
£750,000.00 in the satellite software email lottery conducted by UK
NATIONAL LOTTERY PROMOTION in which your e-mail address was randomly selected by
software powered by the Internet.Your email address was amongst those
chosen this quarter and you are to contact our AFFILIATED COURIER
COMPANY for your free delivery of your certificate and cheque of
£750,000.00. When contacting them you are to include this order Number 37096218 as
your secret number of your parcell to the courier company.In the light
of the above you are to fill this claims form and send it to the
courier company for propper documentation of your address to enable them
delivery your winnings with out delay of your cheque.
1. Full Names: 2. Address: 3. Age: 4. Sex: 5. Marital Status: 6.
Occupation: 7. Phone numbers:
8. Fax number: 9. Country.
Congratulation from the entired staff of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY. Here
are the contact info of our Register Courier company:
TEL:+44 70457 02421
Thank you for being part of our online promotional lottery
program.Yours Truly,
Sir. Richard K. Lloyd..
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme