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Announcement -

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Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


From: De lotto netherlands -

De Lotto Netherlands
Antonie Morostraat 24, 5642 AE,
Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Ref. number: XXZP/2001183308/03
Batch number: 18/203/ZZV
Serial number: 09384743
Ticket number: 756-005-457/GK
Lucky Numbers: 9-34-85-56-42-74

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the De lotto Netherlands Promotional program held on the 19th January, 2007. This promotional program takes place every three years; the lottery was promoted and sponsored by some of European largest software companies and some eminent personality in Europe. We hope you will be one of our lucky winners in our next International Lottery.

You have been approved for the payment of 550,000.00(Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro) in cash credited to file number Tef/0023171521/02.This is from total cash prize of 5,500.000.00 Euro (Five million, Five Hundred Thousand Euros) shared among the ten winners in the 2nd category.

For security reason due to mix up of some numbers and names we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been process and your winning fund is remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid impersonation and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and 200,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world.

To file for your claim contact our accredited claims agent with the requested information so that we can expedite the processing of your claims.

EMAIL: __________________________________________________
BATCH/ REFERENCE NUMBER: _________________________________________

Tel: +31 619-042-637
Fax: +31 847-499-543

Please do note that all winnings must be claimed not later than 9th February, 2007. After this date all unclaimed winning funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications always quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence with our accredited agent