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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dark=22 Promotion Notification

From: Beck s Beer Promotional Officer -

Beck IPC GmbH, Grüninger Weg 24. 35415, Pohlheim-Garbenteich - Germany.

"Beck's After Dark" Promotion Notification.

Dear Winner,

This is to inform you of the Award of Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro (550.000 Euro) from Beck's Beer Company Promotions. This promotional award is to raise the profile of Beck's beer consumers males / females aged 18 to 65 in rural and urban centers.

The online promotions build email lists were generated from the World Wide Web. This promotion takes place annually to challenge and to take market share from the popular Dutch import beer. The tactics included live events, local campaigns and general buzz to establish the brand one neighborhood at a time in major urban / rural centers.

Your Email Ref Number falls within our European booklet representative's office in United Kingdom . In view of this, your award of Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro (550.000 Euro) will be released to you by our payment office in United Kingdom,Our United Kingdom Project Manager will commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. Find the contact details below;

Mr. Carleen Bilger
Beck's Beer Promotional Officer.
Tel: +44 704 570 3996

Kevin Wright
Online Lead