The National Lottery,
27 Cypress Close,
NE4 8UJ Liverpool,
P. O. Box 1010
United Kingdom
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369.
We happily announce to you the results of draw 1151 of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY, Online Sweepstakes International program held on 3rd February 2007.It is yet to be unclaimed and you are getting the FINAL NOTIFICATION as regards this.
You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £228,784 Pound Sterlings.
You won in the satellite software email lottery conducted by UK NATIONAL LOTTERY PROMOTION in which your e-mail address was randomly selected by software powered by the Internet.Your email address was amongst those chosen this quarter and you are to contact MR JAMES SCHUPP,administrative officer of our AFFILIATED COURIER COMPANY through,
for your free delivery of your certificate and cheque of £228,784. When contacting them you are to include this order Number 37096218 as your secret number of your parcel to the courier company.In the light of the above you are to fill this claims form and send it to the courier company for propper documentation of your address to enable them delivery your winnings with out delay of your cheque.
1. Full Names 2. Address 3. Age 4. Sex 5. Marital Status 6. Occupation 7. Phone numbers 8. Country
Sir. Richard K. Lloyd.
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme