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Monday, February 19, 2007


From: maria jose -

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Once Espana Promo Team

Calle Covadonga 20,2964


Dear Winner,

The prestigious Once has set out a (cyber programme)and sucessfully organised a Sweepstakes marking the new year 2007.We rolled out over 6,000,000.00 (Six Million Euro) for our Anniversary Draws.Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage.

Your email address was attached to Reference Number(UE25049-S38).This have Qualified You to Claim a Cash Prize Of (750,000.00 euro)Seven hundred and Fifty Thousand euro from a total cash prize of Six millions euro shared among(8) lucky winners.You do not need to buy a ticket to enter for it your email we as randomly sceleted as one of the winners.

On behalf of the ONCE Lotto Board,we congratulate You for your email emerging the winner of this draw.Meanwhile,to clarify your doubts on how come you were selected and frequent questions that you may likely ask(HOW DID I ENTER THIS CONTEST???HOW DID YOU GET MY EMAIL ADDRESS???HOW DID I WIN???).The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this you will regret it later.

To file for your claim,contact the fiduciary agent direct by phone and email given below.Note you will be responsible for transfer of your winning prize to your country,all these will be explained to you immediately you call your agent.

Dr.Alexander Gomez

Once Promotion Award Team

Email to :



You are advised to call and email your fiduciary agent with the following details to avoid unnecessary delays and complications: Your Full Names,Mobile number,Telephone,Occupation,Country,Reference number.Thank you for being part of this promotional award programe.We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune.


Mrs.Ashley Mario

Once Promotion Team

Keep all lotto information at of public to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this programe.Please be warned.


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