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Monday, February 19, 2007

From: Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation. To

From: Kanu Nwankwo -

Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation.
Lome Togo.
Tele. +2289779505.



Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation Charity Registration No. 1082109/LT, Good day in the LORD, How are you today? Also with your lovely family, and your business, hope you are all in good health, Glory be to almighty GOD in heaven. My name is Noble Ndubuisi, member of the Board of Trustees of Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation, based in London-United kingdom, also in Lagos-Nigeria.

This organization is a non governmental and non profitable philanthropic that is interested in the good living of the African children. We at the Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation (KHF) a non- for- profit organization (Non governmental organization NGO) in London-United Kingdom, also in Lagos-Nigeria, with a proven track record for fund raising of $600,000.00usd (Six Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only) for heart surgery for the African children, the majority of this fund will cover all costs sending these patience to Europe will entail, i.e. Operations, travel, food and living expenses for the children, below is the link of the children in the ICHF/KHF Surgery Clinic, UNTH Enugu, NIGERIA , also the Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation is going from strength to strength and fuelled by the necessity to assist less privileged children,
which will continue to save the lives of many children in many years to come.

The Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation has come into this field of endeavor to take up the gauntlet of championing and fighting this social menace affecting the fate of the average children in Africa, it's to say that we at Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation (KHF) also prefer advises on how basic developmental projects can be implemented and executed for and on behalf of the African children thereby making them living in good health.

The Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation has been quietly involved in reorientation societies in United Kingdom and other African countries about the treatment of the African Children with heart disease, and preliminary results from our data base shows our effort.

The Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation with it offices situated at London-United Kingdom, also in Lagos-Nigeria, and working in conjunction with some International/Global community based development agencies has been in this business of raising fund for philanthropic and charitable causes for the past few years and has on its board of Directors/Trustees Women and Men of integrity and honesty in there respective chosen careers and have considered this honorable duty as their perception of social responsibility to society at large. In addition, the trustees of the Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation, World Cup winners and European Champions with France Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry (also the French footballer of the year) are also dedicated to ensure that its great work will continue long into the future.
If you are a company and you are interested in donating either money or gifts in kind to the Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation, kindly contact us through our e-mail address as stated above, Kanu will be happy to endorse or advertise your products in our website.

We also have the Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation Football Club, which companies can sponsor. This includes having our players wearing your company's logo emblazoned on the front of the jersey, the football Club plays worldwide.

Furthermore, we intend to publish your name and address in our lmanacs and brochure by the end of the year being our usual practice which would be sent to our beneficiaries and partners.

Consequent upon this, we look forward to your willful donations towards eradicating this anomaly within our system.

To make your donations, kindly contact us through our Telephone or e-mail address: God bless you as you donate.
Remember that GOD loves a cheerful giver.

Yours Sincerely,
Noble Ndubuisi. (D.T.C/KHF)

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